The video shows how a user would Sign on and the process of a transaction using a card as the payment method.
Starting a Linked Refund
1. Open the Handpoint app
Linked refunds are carried out through the Handpoint app. We need to go to the Handpoint app.
2. Change to Standalone mode
Go to Settings (Cogwheel) from the Hnadpoint app and disable the Integrated Mode.
3. Select the transaction to be refunded
Go to the Transaction History tab and select the transaction to be refunded. Select Refund (or Reversal, in case you want to reverse the transaction). The merchant password will be required and the refund amount.
4. Tap, insert, or swipe the card
When the refund has started, the cardholder needs to tap, swipe, or insert the card.
5. Change to Integrated Mode again
Once the transaction has finished, you must set the Integrated Mode from the app settings, to be able to continue making transactions from EcTouch2
6. Open the ECTouch2 app
The following video shows the procedure of making a Linked Refund using the Handpoint app.
First, a transaction is made with the ECTouch2 app. Once completed, navigate to the Handpoint app, going to the Settings tab to deactivate Integrated Mode.
Next, navigate to the Transaction History tab and select the transaction to be refunded. The transaction is initiated and the cardholder will have to swipe, insert, or tap the card.
Once the transaction is completed, go back to the app settings to activate the Integrated Mode.
Return to ECTouch2 and we can start new transactions.
Starting a Cash Transaction
1. Select a product