PAX - Handpoint Application User Guide

PAX - Handpoint Application User Guide




This guide will help you get to know your smart card reader and make your first transaction as a standalone payment terminal.

If you have any questions, you can write an email to the Handpoint support team: support@handpoint.com

Getting Started


The first time the application starts, you will be walked through a few configuration screens. You can select the language and currency of the payment terminal and you will need to set a password to protect the Reversal and Refund functionality of the application. 

NOTE: While the PAX terminal settings menu does allow a lock screen password (Swipe, Pattern, PIN, Password) to be set, this is a high-risk operation. This lock screen password does not affect the Handpoint application, that is, it will not prevent any part of the app from being hidden if this password is not used.

If the lock screen password is forgotten by the merchant, the merchant must purchase a new terminal because the password cannot be provided or reset.

If you forget your password you can contact your service provider who can reset it remotely.  

Taking a Payment 

The digital keypad is your starting point to take transactions.

Type in an amount, click CHARGE or choose the payment method for the transaction to start. The payment methods are editable in the settings of the application (cogwheel). 

Once the transaction has started the cardholder should insert, swipe or tap his card for the transaction to be processed. Depending on the type of card and outcome of the transaction different screens and instructions will be prompted. 


Transactions History Tab


The transaction history is where you will be able to see the details of your transactions. Transactions are ordered chronologically with the most recent one at the top.

The transaction history is also the place where you will be able to start refunds and reversals as well as re-printing or sending digital receipts.

The calendar icon allows you to select a custom timeframe if there is a need to quickly access transactions made in the past. 

The magnifying glass icon allows the app user to find any specific transaction by id, amount, card number or any other parameter available on the receipt of the transaction.


Transactions Details 

When clicking on a specific transaction you can access its details which include the customer and merchant receipts as well as the possibility to start a refund or a reversal. 

A reversal does not require a card to be inserted and will reverse the original transaction. A reversal can only be done before the transactions are funded by the acquirer (usually on the same day). If a reversal is sent several days after the original transaction it is very likely to be declined. Specific rules apply to different acquirers. Video

A refund does require a card to be inserted (or not, don’t miss our MOTO section ) and can be done at any time after the original transaction. Based on the settings set by the service provider, the refund option might not appear in the application. Video

Clicking on the customer or merchant receipt button allows the user to print a duplicate receipt or send a receipt via email or SMS. 


Transactions Filter

That functionality allows the app user to find any specific transaction by Transaction ID, amount, card number or any other parameter available on the receipt of the transaction. 


Advanced search

An advanced search button to search a transaction by specific field (Amount, Authorization Code, Last 4 digits of the Card Number, GUID, and RRN).

The user can fill in one or more parameters. The parameter not filled will be ignored and the search will be done with the matches with the filled parameter/s. 

Analytics Tab


The Analytics tab gives you deep insights about your transactions.

The information available includes for any timeframe:

  • The number and amount of transactions

  • The average charge

  • The breakdown of transactions per card brand

  • The breakdown of transactions by type (sale, reversal, refund etc..) 

It is possible to select a custom timeframe, in order to do so click on the "+" button at the top right of the Analytics tab. A date picker will appear allowing the selection of the custom timeframe.   

Settings Tab


The settings tab is the place where the user will be able to adjust different parameters from printing options to language settings and payment methods. 


  • Currency: If more than one currency is supported for the merchant account this is where the user will be able to switch the currency.

  • Device: Allows the user to check for software or configuration updates. This menu also shows the status of the terminal and if it is correctly connected to the payment application.  


  • Language: Allows the user to switch the language of the terminal to the preferred one.

  • Transaction Report: This allows the user to view and print a report of the transactions made on the terminal for a specific timeframe. Here is a video of the Transaction Report functionality:  

  • Refund/Reversal Password: Allows the user to change the password that was initially set upon initial configuration

Note: If the user does not remember the initial password configured he will need to contact his payment service provider to reset it remotely.

  • Integrated Mode (Toggle): It allows us to switch between Integrated Mode and Standalone Mode. Integrated mode is used to communicate with 3rd party POS software and is not an option available for standalone merchants.    

  •   Payment Options: Allows the user to enable or disable different payment options. 

    • Card payment is enabled by default. Video

    • Signature is enabled by default. If a card requires a signature as a verification method, a digital signature screen will appear on the terminal for the cardholder to sign before the transaction is approved. Disabling this setting will prevent the terminal from asking for a signature when required by the card. Depending on your geographical region the card brands might have made signature optional allowing to safely disable this functionality. For more information please reach out to your payment service provider. 

    • Cash payment is enabled by default and allows the user to keep a record of payments received in cash. Video

    • Other payment is enabled by default and allows the user to keep a record of payments received with other payment methods (voucher, checks, etc…) Video

  • Printing Options: Enables automatic or manual printing of the merchant and customer receipts. If receipts are not printed automatically a menu with buttons will appear at the end of the transaction to manually print receipts if required by the cardholder. Video

    To be able to print with a larger font than the default, you have to perform the following steps:
    Go to Device Settings → Enter the password (usually pax9876@@) → Go to the Display section--> Font size (select a larger font)
    By modifying this option, the font size will be increased as well as the font that appears on receipts.

  • Accessibility Options: Allows the user to enable/disable PIN bypass during a transaction. The cardholder can bypass the PIN by clicking one time on the validate (green) button of the PIN screen. The transaction will proceed without pin insertion and the transaction will be sent online for verification by the bank. This feature is implemented to help visually impaired and handicapped people take transactions. Video

  • Tipping Options: Allows the user to enable/disable tipping at the time of sale. If tipping is enabled a new payment method called Card and tip will appear after entering an amount with the keypad and clicking pay. Selecting Card and tip will prompt the cardholder to select a tipping percentage or custom tip amount before the transaction starts. Video

  • Account Options: Allows the user to delete its merchant account. An email will be sent to the payment service provider support team to process the deactivation.

  • FAQ: A QR code will be displayed, redirecting the user to the Handpoint Support Center.



By enabling manual entry as a payment method, merchants can take payments by directly entering the card details on the payment terminal. The transaction is then processed securely from the terminal to the Handpoint gateway.

Manual entry is only available for merchants whose partners have the functionality enabled on their profile in the Handpoint Terminal Management System (TMS). If manual entry is not enabled, the payment method will not appear in the Handpoint payment application. 

NOTE: To be able to use manual entry (also called MOTO), the option "Enable MOTO (Mail Order / Telephone Order) for the merchant" must be activated on the merchant profile in TMS (Terminal Management System)


If you have questions regarding the activation of this feature in TMS, please contact us.

For the MOTO functionality to be visible in the Handpoint payment application it must be in standalone mode (as opposed to integrated mode)

The digital keypad is your starting point to take manual transactions.

By default, the Handpoint payment application has Card Present transactions activated. To activate Manual Entry as a payment method, you need to click on the switch button.

Multiple payment methods will appear, in order to start a manual transaction please select the “MANUAL ENTRY” option. 

Input the amount of the transaction on the digital keypad and click the MANUAL ENTRY button

The following screen will prompt to enter the card details. All fields are mandatory, once the form is filled, click the continue button. 

Depending on the outcome of the transaction, a success or decline screen will be prompted to the merchant. 


Hiding/Enabling Payment Methods

Hiding or enabling specific payment methods can be done through the Settings tab of the Handpoint payment application.

Scroll down and click on Payment Options, you will then be able to toggle on/off specific payment types.


Automatic Linked Refunds using MOTO

MOTO refunds are a wonderful option to make a refund without the cardholder having to be present.
A refund can be made in three different ways: Card, Manual Entry and Automatic (through Linked Refunds).

  • Using Card will require a card to be inserted.

  • Using Manual Entry will require to enter the card details.

Through the Automatic mode, using MOTO Linked Refunds behind the scenes, will be the easiest and fastest way to make a refund.

Note: Refunds can be done at any time after the original transaction. Based on the settings set by the service provider, the refund option might not appear in the application.

To make a Refund, you must go to the Transactions tab. Select the transaction for which you want to perform an operation and select Refund.


Introduce the Merchant password and confirm the refund method (Card, Manual Entry or Automatic):


Select Automatic in the dialogue, you will not have to enter any card data or have the card physically, and the refund will be made:


Available from version 4.4.1 or higher of the Handpoint Payments app

A Pre-Authorization charge, also known as a pre-auth or authorization hold, is a temporary hold placed on a customer's payment card. It's used to verify that the account is valid and has sufficient funds to cover a pending transaction, without actually debiting the cardholder's account upfront. 

A pre-authorized transaction can be increased or decreased (Pre-Auth Increase), can be captured (Pre-Auth Capture) and can be fully released (Pre-Auth Reversal). It is also possible to carry out a Pre-Authorization through MOTO (Manual Entry).

NOTE: To be able to use Pre-Auth, the option "Enable pre-auth for the merchant" must be activated on the merchant profile in TMS (Terminal Management System)

Enable Pre-Auth for the merchant

If you have questions regarding the activation of this feature in TMS, please contact us.

For the Pre-Auth functionality to be visible in the Handpoint payment application it must be in standalone mode (as opposed to integrated mode)

The digital keypad is your starting point to take Pre-Authorizations.

By default, the Handpoint payment application has Card Present transactions activated. To use Pre-Auth, you need to click on the switch button.


Multiple payment methods will appear, to start a Pre-Auth (Pre-Authorization, Pre-Auth Increase, Pre-Auth Decrease, Pre-Auth Capture, Manual Entry Pre-Auth [if MOTO is enabled for this merchant]). Pre-Auth Reversal will be possible by locating a Pre-Auth transaction in the Transaction History of the app.
Please select the desired option. 

Payment Methods


It's used to verify that the account is valid and has sufficient funds to cover a pending transaction, without actually debiting the cardholder's account upfront.

Pre-Authorization Video

Pre-Authorization Increase/Decrease

A pre-authorized transaction can be increased or decreased, for example, if a tab was opened and the consumer is adding new orders going above the initial pre-authorized amount.

  • Increase (A Pre-Authorization Increase does not require a card to be inserted, swiped or tapped)

Pre-Authorization Increase Video
  • Decrease (A Pre-Authorization Decrease does not require a card to be inserted, swiped or tapped)

Pre-Authorization Decrease Video

Pre-Authorization Capture

A pre-authorized transaction can be captured to debit the cardholder's account. Depending on the merchant category code, the capture needs to happen between 7 and 31 days after the original pre-authorization. If not captured the funds will be automatically released by the issuing bank.
(A Pre-Authorization Capture does not require a card to be inserted, swiped or tapped)

Pre-Authorization Capture Video

Pre-Authorization Reversal

A pre-authorized transaction can be fully released, for example, when renting a car, the pre-auth reversal allows the merchant to release the funds if the car is not damaged. The merchant password will be requested.
(A Pre-Authorization Reversal does not require a card to be inserted, swiped or tapped)

Pre-Authorization Reversal Video

Manual Entry (MOTO) Pre-Authorization

Pre-Authorization is carried out through Manual Entry (MOTO). To be able to carry out this operation MOTO must be activated in Handpoint TMS at the merchant level.

Note: The introduction of the card details does not appear in the following video for security reasons.

Manual Entry Pre-Authorization Video



Money Remittance (Money Send)

Available from version 4.4.5 or higher of the Handpoint Payments app

NOTE: Money Remittance is only available for merchants whose MCCs are 4829 and 6540 and subject to specific acquirer requirements. The following steps only apply to MC transactions.
If you have questions regarding the activation of this feature, please contact us

Standalone Mode

The digital keypad is your starting point for taking Money Remittance transactions.

By default, the Handpoint payment application has Card Present transactions activated. To use Pre-Auth, you need to click on the switch button.


Please select the Money Remittance option.


Introduce an amount and click on the Money Remittance button:


Select the Country and the Full Name of the recipient:


After taking the payment, the transaction will appear on the Transaction History of the app:


NOTE: If a card other than MasterCard was used in a Money Send (MasterCard) transaction, the following error message will appear:



Cloud (Integrated) Mode

The digital keypad is your starting point for taking Money Remittance transactions.

When the message "Ready to process payments" appears, it indicates that the reader is ready to begin a transaction.


After taking the payment, the transaction will appear on the Transaction History of the app:



NOTE: If a card other than MasterCard was used in a Money Send (MasterCard) transaction, the following error message will appear:


Kiosk Mode


The kiosk mode allows you to lock down the navigation within the payment application behind a merchant password. In kiosk mode, the user is only able to take a payment and can not navigate outside of the application.

Enable Kiosk Mode
To enable kiosk mode you must go to the Settings tab (cogwheel). Once you are in Settings, there is an option called Security Options. By clicking on Security Options you will be able to enable kiosk mode and/or change your merchant password.


Once kiosk mode is activated, the three Android native buttons will disappear, preventing a user from minimizing the app and closing it. Navigating between the menus of the application at the bottom of the screen will not be possible either.

When clicking on the Settings, Analytics or Transactions tab, the merchant password will be required.

How can I change the merchant password?
To change the password you can go to the Settings tab (cogwheel) and click on Security Options.
By clicking on the Merchant password option you will be able to change it. Please note that the old password will be required.

Note: If the old password is forgotten, you must contact your service provider who will be able to reset it remotely.


Duplicate Payment check

We are introducing a new feature in our Handpoint payment application (v4.0.1) duplicate payment check.
Looking back at our data we have seen that when a merchant is not 100% sure of the transaction outcome, for example, the terminal showed an approval but the POS did not pick up the result, they will reprocess the transaction leading to the cardholder being charged twice. In order to avoid this scenario, we are now flagging the duplicate transaction and prompting a menu to the cardholder/merchant to confirm/cancel the 2nd charge. 

We are only prompting the duplicate menu in case the same card is used twice in a row to process a transaction for the same amount within a 5 minutes timeframe. The duplicate payment check feature will be enabled by default in the Handpoint payment application v4.0.1.

For the Handpoint application in Standalone Mode, the duplicate check feature can be disabled through the Settings of the application. To disable this functionality, go to app SettingsPayment Options → Switch off the Duplicate charge alert

If the application is used in Integrated Mode, the duplicate payment check feature will be enabled by default in the Handpoint payment application 4.0.1. If you are using the REST API, Windows SDK, Android SDK or JS SDK and want to disable this feature, a duplicate_check flag will be available in the sale options for them to turn it off.


How to activate a SIM card

In cases where the WiFi connection is not very good/stable or in areas where it is not possible to connect to a WiFi network, the use of SIM cards* can solve the connectivity issue.

If you are using Handpoint provided SIM cards, here are the steps to activate them:

  1. Push the battery cover slide latch (at the back of the card reader) to the right to open, remove the battery case (lifting from the bottom) and take out the battery (also lifting from the bottom). Insert the SIM card in the SIM1 card slot (on the left-hand side) [Step 1 can be skipped if the SIM card is already inserted]

  2. Turn on the terminal and connect it the terminal to the WiFi.

  3. Open the Handpoint Payments app and go to the app Settings (cogwheel).

  4. Click the "activate sim card" button (might require to scroll down a bit).

    Activate SIM card option

  5. At this time the device should be able to be used only with the SIM card ✅

If you have carried out the previous steps and the connectivity with SIM cards does not work correctly, we recommend carrying out the following checks:

  • Make sure cellular is enabled on the payment terminal : Go to the Android settings (pwd pax9876@@) -> More -> Cellular Networks -> click the check box near "Data roaming"

  • Make sure that 3G/4G is not selected as the preferred network in the device settings. You can check it by going to device settings (pwd: pax9876@@) Wireless —> Networks —> Mobile networks —> Preferred network type —> 4G preferred (These steps may vary a bit depending on the version of PAX used).

In case you are not using Handpoint’s provided SIM cards, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Push the battery cover slide latch (at the back of the card reader) to the right to open, remove the battery case (lifting from the bottom) and take out the battery (also lifting from the bottom). Insert the SIM card in the SIM1 card slot (on the left-hand side)

  1. Make sure cellular is enabled on the payment terminal : Go to the Android settings (pwd pax9876@@) -> More -> Cellular Networks -> click the check box near "Data roaming"

  2. Make sure that 3G/4G is not selected as the preferred network in the device settings. You can check it by going to device settings (pwd: pax9876@@) Wireless —> Networks —> Mobile networks —> Preferred network type —> 4G preferred (These steps may vary a bit depending on the version of PAX used).

  3. Make sure that the SIM APN settings [Device settings (pwd: pax9876@@) Wireless —> Networks —> Mobile networks —> Access Point Names] are correctly set up on the terminal.

  4. Make sure that the SIM inserted in the terminal still has data available for transactions.

  5. If the merchant has a not very reliable WiFi, perhaps the best option would be to forget the WiFi network to prevent the device from connecting to this network since the PAX considers WiFi as primary before the SIM card connection. Forgetting the merchant's known network, the device will only use the SIM card, ensuring a better internet connection.

*Please check if your PAX reader supports the use of SIM card.


We have a whole section on Frequent Asked Questions and Typical Errors, have a look here.



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