Handpoint portal: Analytics 📊

Handpoint portal: Analytics 📊

Analytics Page

Handpoint Analytics is the place to track your sales, celebrate your business success and gain valuable insights.


Handpoint Analytics Overview

With Handpoint you can view, in real-time, advanced analytics about your business, including:

  • Summaries and graphs of sales, transactions and top merchants

  • Overall active terminals and merchants

  • Transactions are filtered by different criteria, for a specific merchant or for all of them, with the option of downloading these details as a CSV file.

  • Timescale filters: daily, monthly, yearly or between two specific dates

  • Currency filters

  • Transaction filters: transaction type, payment type, card brands

Note: In order to search by merchant, type at least 4 characters of the merchant’s name, otherwise type 'all' in the Merchant filter to show the results of all of your merchants.

Accessing Handpoint Analytics

Access Handpoint Analytics on your Handpoint Portal’s top menu:

Analytics dropdown


Handpoint Analytics Sections

With Handpoint Analytics you can gain insights on your business, such as:

  • Transaction Details

  • Transaction Volume

  • Payment Volume

  • Active Terminals & Merchants


Transaction Details

The Transaction Details page provides you with a detailed view of your transactions.

  1. Information can be filtered by merchants, currency and date range.

  2. The graph provides the you insights on the type of transactions performed: EMV Sale, Sale Cancellation, MSR Sale, Sale Reversal...

  3. Data of the overall sales of the period. The currency displayed is the one selected in the currency filter above.

  4. The Download CSV button allows you to download a CSV file with the details of the transactions.

  5. List of transactions per the above filters.

Transaction Volume

The Transaction Volume page provides you with a detailed view of the number of transactions in the selected period.

Total transactions volume per month
Number of transactions by payment type
Top merchants by number of transactions


Payment Volume

The Payment Volume page provides you with a detailed view of your net payment volume (excluding reversals, cancellations, etc.) in the selected period.

Sales in numbers
Payment volume per month
Payment volume processed by payment type
Top merchants


Active Terminals & Merchants

The Active Terminals & Merchants page provides you with a detailed view of the number of devices and merchants that are active in the selected period.

Active terminals & merchants
Active terminals
Active merchants



If you need assistance with logging in to your Handpoint Portal, contact us at support@handpoint.com 📬

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