How to Identify terminals between Development and Production (suited for customers)

Working on your integration with Handpoint, you would probably need Development or Debug terminals in order to test your application and flow. These can be requested on your dev kit after the initial technical call with the Handpoint team. These terminals however are not suitable for actual merchants. In this page there are some guidelines to identify which terminals can be supplied to your live customers.


For devices manufactured by Datecs such as the HiLite, HiPro, HiFive or HiPlus, you should look at the serial number. If the 6th number starting from the right is a 9, the device is a development unit, and therefore not suitable for live customers.



For devices manufactured by PAX, such as the A920, A920 Pro, or the A80, a small graphic that reads ‘DEBUG only’ might be displayed on the screen. This graphic would show on top of any application and screen. If so, this device is a development unit, and therefore it is not suitable for live customers.



For devices manufactured by Telpo, such as the TPS900, it’s very simple: if the device hardware is light blue colour, the device is a development unit and therefore not suitable for live customers.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Handpoint integration support team.


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