Handpoint Merchant Portal

Handpoint Merchant Portal

Handpoint offers to merchants a portal to see their transactions in real time, accesible by any browser, in addition to the analytics available in our Handpoint Payment SmartPOS and mPOS app.

Introduction to Merchant Portal

The Handpoint Merchant portal is a web-based portal that shows analytics and details of the transactions processed by Handpoint in near-real time.

Who is it for?

Any merchant transacting with Handpoint and setup in the Handpoint TMS has access to the Merchant Portal. Is intended to provide simple analytics and data for single merchants, not suitable for enterprise level merchants who might require more complex analytics.

How is it used?

The Merchant Portal includes only authorisations and transactions sent through the Handpoint gateway, it does not have the information on settlements and bank fees. These might be available in your acquiring bank portal.

Gaining access to Handpoint Merchant Portal

Access the merchant portal through: merchant.handpoint.com

You need to enter the email address registered for your merchant account in Handpoint TMS. Once entered, you will receive an email with a magic link to grant you access to your portal. Please click this magic link from your email to confirm your account. The link expires in a few minutes.

Kindly note that you can also request an SMS with a single access code sent to the mobile number registered in TMS. image-20240802-155322.png


The email address should be unique per merchant, since itโ€™s the way to authenticate the correct merchant account to access in the Merchant Portal. If the email address is not unique, this needs to be corrected in Handpoint TMS.


Getting Started in the Merchant Portal

The initial page is the dashboard with the recent activity for the merchant.

The left hand menu offers intuitive navigation through the data and analytics available for your transactions.




User profile

Clicking the white circle on the right lets you log-out of the portal. You can also do it through the Settings in the left-hand menu.

Next to white circle is the language option for your convenience.

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Payment Volume (PV)

Payment volume processed for this merchant account. The data can be filtered by different parameters using the top search bar.

You can filter by Terminal, Currency and Time Frame. Default Timeframe is Today, you can also opt to see data from current and past week, month, year, or select a custom timeframe. You need to select at least one Card Reader on this page.



Graphs and analytics on this page are:

  • Net payment volume per day, week or month

  • Total Payment Volume processed by transaction type

  • Net payment volume processed by card brand

  • Net payment volume processed by payment type (contactless, swipe, chip, etc.)

  • Net payment volume processed by tender type (credit, debit, etc.)


Payment Transactions

Number of transactions processed for this merchant account. The data can be filtered by different parameters using the top search bar.

You can filter by Terminal and Time Frame, following the same parameters as before.


Graphs and analytics on this page are:

  • Total number of transactions processed

  • Total Transaction volume processed by transaction type (sale, refund, reversal, etc.)

  • Transaction volume processed by payment type (contactless, swipe, chip, etc.)

  • Transaction volume processed by card brand

  • Transaction volume processed by tender type (credit, debit, etc.)


Transaction Details

Here you can see the main analytics of the Payment volume, additional to the Total gross and Net sales by card type.

The main benefit of this page is to get the details of all the transactions included in the top search bar, and the ability to search through the table and export these details as CSV file.




If you have any questions, please contact your payments partner.

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