Cloud Integration

Cloud Integration

The Handpoint cloud payments solution allows your merchants to easily communicate via the internet (cellular or WiFi) with payment terminals. The merchant only needs to connect the terminal to WiFi and open the payment application to be able to start taking payments. Card data is never sent unmasked to your software so you are out of PCI scope.

What do I need to use for this integration?

Only an API Key is required to start sending sales to the card reader and get back the transaction result to your software when the operation is completed. No other configuration is required.
The Handpoint Support team will provide you an API Key for each merchant (test or production).


Do you want to perform a quick test? Try our Cloud Sandbox. With our Sandbox, you will be able to test different types of operations such as Sales, Refunds, Card Tokenization, etc
The steps to use the sandbox are as follows:

  1. Select your target environment: Sandbox (if you use a development card reader) or Production (if you use a production card reader).

  2. Insert your API Key.

  3. Select a device from the dropdown. All the devices that are associated with the API key entered will appear, that is, all the devices under the merchant to which the API Key belongs.

  4. Start a transaction!

Available technologies

At Handpoint, we have several ways to carry out your Cloud Integration. Choose the one that suits you best. We have the following available technologies:


If you have any questions, please contact the Handpoint Support team: support@handpoint.com 📬

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