HiLite User Guide

HiLite User Guide


mPOS Payments





This guide will help you get to know your HiLite card reader and make your first transaction.


When you receive the box, check if the Handpoint seal is still intact. It should show you if someone has opened the box before you. Inside the box you should find your HiLite card reader and a USB mini-B connector.

what is in the box


Here is your HiLite card reader from all angles.

0 - Near-field Communication (NFC) Status Lights. These lights indicate the status of a contactless transaction

1 - Clock Shows the time, hours : minutes : seconds

2 - Icons Here on the screen are icons which show battery life and other info

3 - Bluetooth name. Look for this name in your Bluetooth device list on your smartphone, tablet or computer, the last nine digits of this number is also your serial number.

4 - Keypad To input the pin number or other info

5 - Power To turn on and off, hold down this button for a couple of seconds

6 - Up/down arrows

7 - Cancel To cancel transactions when applicable, or other actions

8 - Back To erase keyed numbers

9 - OK To select or confirm actions

10 - Charging Cable Plug in the charging cable (USB mini-B connector) to a plug to charge the battery

11 - Magnetic stripe reader. Swipe card with the magnetic stripe facing forward

12 - Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) chip reader. Insert card with chip into the slot

13 - Hardware label. Shows the Hardware Version (HW ver), Serial Number (SN) and barcode, which shall be required for identifying your card reader for updates or support questions.




The first time you connect, you have to register the HiLite card reader to the point of sale

application. Please follow the instructions in your POS app to connect and register. Each

version of the POS app does this differently.

If you are using the HiLite card reader with a linked mPOS application, please view section

1.3.1. Otherwise, if you are using a third party POS software application, skip straight to 1.3.2.



Please refer to our instructions on Getting started with your mPOS app in this help centre.



The first transaction:

  1. Make sure that the smartphone, computer or tablet you’re using with the HiLite card reader has Bluetooth turned on

  2. Turn on the HiLite card reader by pressing and holding [Power button] for a couple of seconds

  3. Pair the HiLite card reader to the Bluetooth device

  4. Follow the instructions on your POS app to register the HiLite card reader

  5. Wait until you see the Bluetooth icon on the HiLite card reader screen (see #2 in
    section 1.2). When that icon appears, the HiLite card reader is connected. This may take
    a few seconds

  6. Initiate a transaction in the POS app on the smartphone, computer or tablet

  7. When the message “UPDATING READER” appears, the HiLite card reader will start
    downloading and installing the update. When the HiLite card reader has finished, the
    message “UPDATE COMPLETE” will appear

  8. When the message “INSERT CARD” is displayed, insert the card in the EMV chip reader
    (see #12 in section 1.2) with the chip facing up and towards the HiLite card reader

  9. Enter PIN using the keypad and press [OK button] (use the yellow [Back button] to erase
    and then the keypad to re-enter pin if you make a mistake), or cancel by pressing the red [ Cancel button]

  10. When message “REMOVE CARD” appears, remove the card from the EMV chip reader

The POS app is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt created by the HiLite
card reader.



This section shall demonstrate a short version of how the Handpoint solution technically works, whether you are using a linked mobile Point of Sale (mPOS) application or an alternative Point of Sale (POS) software application. Please note that the actual screenshots might vary.

  1. The mPOS/POS app downloaded on your device initiates a transaction on the HiLite card reader using Bluetooth

  2. Customer inserts card and follows the directions on the HiLite card reader screen

  3. The HiLite card reader sends the transaction information encrypted via Bluetooth to the POS app

  4. The POS app forwards the encrypted transaction information to the Handpoint gateway via an internet connection which processes the transaction using your acquirer

  5. The Handpoint gateway receives a response from the acquirer and forwards the encrypted response to its internet connection

  6. The POS app forwards the encrypted response to the HiLite card reader via Bluetooth

  7. The HiLite card reader reads the response, finalises the transaction and sends a receipt to the POS app

  8. Customer removes card and the merchant provides the customer the receipt through the POS app



Below are the technical specifications of the HiLite card reader and information about the software and configurations.


technical specification HiLite



Handpoint develops the terminal software as well as the terminal configurations. The terminal software communicates with your POS app (Point of Sale application) using Bluetooth.The configuration is specific to each merchant and cannot be seen or modified by you. The configurations are created by the Handpoint system and remotely pushed to your HiLite card reader.

In the case of a critical update, Handpoint can automatically and remotely push the latest software or configuration version onto your HiLite card reader. See section 3.6 to see what happens if an update is pushed.

To find which software and configuration versions your HiLite card reader has, please refer to section 3.4.



All card information is encrypted using Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (3DES) with a Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) key management process. Each transaction is encrypted with 3DES using a unique key per transaction before being sent to the Handpoint gateway through the POS app. The Handpoint’s terminal software is certified as PCI Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) compliant.

For security reasons, it is essential that during a transaction the merchant and all employees must not request a cardholder to divulge their PIN nor accept the PIN from the cardholder in an oral or written manner.



Here are further instructions how to use the different functions of your HiLite card reader.


To be able to take payments your HiLite card reader needs to be connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone, computer or tablet with a POS app (Point of Sale application) that works with it.

The first time you connect you have to register the HiLite card reader to your POS app. Please follow the instructions from your POS app to connect and register. Each POS app does this differently.

Connecting via Bluetooth:

  1. Make sure that the smartphone, computer or tablet you’re using with the HiLite card reader has Bluetooth turned on

  2. Turn on the HiLite card reader by pressing and holding [Power button] for a couple of seconds

  3. Pair the HiLite card reader to the Bluetooth device

  4. Wait until you see the Bluetooth icon on the HiLite card reader screen (see section 1.2). When that icon appears, the HiLite card reader is connected

Your device and the HiLite card reader should find each other every time as long as the Bluetooth of your device is on. If you are prompted to enter a pairing code, enter “0000” as the code.


Transactions are initiated by the POS app on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Depending on your acquirer and or agreement with your POS app provider, the following features may be enabled.

3.2.1. Contactless (Tap)

The HiLite card reader supports contactless transactions. In a contactless sale, the customer only presents (taps) their debit, credit, smartcard, or another payment device such as Apple or Google Pay. The card doesn’t need to leave the hands of the customer, yet the data is encrypted and secured as any usual payment. For tap and go or Contactless transactions use the NFC reader (see #0 in section 1.2).

This is an example of what happens in a Contactless transaction:

  1. Transaction is initiated in the POS app on the smartphone, computer or tablet

  2. When message “PRESENT CARD” appears, present or tap the card or payment device as flat as possible on top of the NFC symbol.

  3. The reader should emit a weak sound and the NFC Status lights should all light up green (see #0 in section 1.2) indicating it has read the card.

  4. If prompted, enter PIN using the keypad and press [OK button] (Use the [Back button] to erase and then use the keypad to re-enter pin if you make a mistake), or cancel by 
 pressing [Cancel button]

The merchant is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt from the POS app.


3.2.2. Chip & Pin

The HiLite card reader supports Chip & PIN cards. For Chip & PIN transactions use the EMV chip reader (see #12 in section 1.2).

This is an example of what happens in a Chip & PIN transaction:

  1. Transaction is initiated in the POS app on the smartphone, computer or tablet

  2. When message “PRESENT CARD” appears, insert card in the EMV chip reader (see #12 in section 1.2) with the chip facing up and towards the HiLite card reader

  3. Enter PIN using the keypad and press [OK button] (Use the yellow [Back button] to erase and then use the keypad to re-enter pin if you make a mistake), or cancel by 
 pressing [Cancel button]

  4. When message “REMOVE CARD” appears, remove the card from the EMV chip reader

The merchant is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt from the POS app.


3.2.3. Chip & Signature

The HiLite card reader supports chip & signature cards. For chip & signature transactions use the EMV chip reader (see #12 in section 1.2).

This is an example of what happens in a chip & signature transaction:

  1. Transaction is initiated in the POS app on the smartphone, computer or tablet

  2. When message “PRESENT CARD” appears, insert card in the EMV chip reader (see #12 in section 1.2) with the chip facing up and towards the HiLite card reader

  3. Confirm the amount by pressing [OK button] or cancel by pressing [Cancel button]

The merchant is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt from the POS app. The customer should sign for the receipt, either on the smart device screen or on the paper receipt, depending on your POS solution. 


3.2.4. Fallback to Magnetic Stripe

If the HiLite card reader cannot read the card for some reason it will fallback to magnetic stripe. The HiLite card reader will prompt you to swipe the card using the magnetic stripe reader (see #11 in section 1.2). The HiLite card reader might ask you to remove and insert the card into the EMV chip reader a couple of times before falling back to magnetic stripe. This setting depends on your acquirer.

This is an example of what happens if a transaction falls back to magnetic stripe:

  1. Transaction is initiated in the POS app on the smartphone, computer or tablet

  2. When message “PRESENT CARD” appears, insert card in the EMV chip reader (see #12 in section 1.2) with the chip facing up and towards the HiLite card reader

  3. If the HiLite card reader cannot read the chip message “REMOVE CARD” appears, remove the card

  4. When message “PRESENT CARD” appears, insert card in the EMV chip reader

  5. If the HiLite card reader cannot read the chip message “REMOVE CARD” appears, remove the card

  6. When message “PRESENT CARD” appears, insert card in the EMV chip reader

  7. If the HiLite card reader cannot read the chip message “REMOVE CARDappears, remove the card

  8. When message “SWIPE CARD” appears, swipe card using the magnetic stripe reader with the magnetic stripe facing to the front

  9. Confirm the amount by pressing [OK button] or cancel by pressing [Cancel button]

The merchant is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt from the POS app. The customer should sign for the receipt, either on the smart device screen or on the paper receipt, depending on your POS solution.

3.2.5. Magnetic Stripe

The HiLite card reader supports cards that only have magnetic stripes. To do a transaction with a magnetic stripe card use the magnetic stripe reader (see #11 in section 1.2). If the card has a chip the HiLite card reader will prompt you to use the EMV chip reader.

This is an example of what happens in a magnetic stripe transaction:

  1. Transaction is initiated in the POS app on the smartphone, computer or tablet

  2. When message “PRESENT CARD” appears, swipe card using the magnetic stripe reader with the magnetic stripe facing to the front

  3. Confirm the amount by pressing [OK button] or cancel by pressing [Cancel button]

The POS app is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt created by the HiLite card reader. The customer should sign the receipt.


3.2.6. Pin Bypass

Pin bypass is only enabled for specific acquirers. Pin bypass allows the customer to choose if they want to enter pin or not.

This is an example of what happens in a Chip & PIN transaction with pin bypass:

  1. Transaction is initiated in the POS app on the smartphone, computer or tablet

  2. When message “PRESENT CARD” appears, insert card in the EMV chip reader (see #12 in section 1.2) with the chip facing up and towards the HiLite card reader

  3. To bypass the pin, press [OK button] instead of entering the pin (if pin bypass is not enabled, the HiLite card reader will show the message “NOT ALLOWED”)

  4. When message “REMOVE CARD” appears, remove the card from the EMV chip reader

The merchant is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt from the POS app.



3.2.7. Gratuity/Tips

To get the gratuity/tips feature, you have to ask for it especially from your POS app provider. If you request to include gratuity/tips as an option during the transaction process, the menu appears before pin entry where the customer can choose the amount.

Below is an example of the default gratuity/tip menu for a £20,00 sale:

Menu item

No tip

18% £3,60

20% £4,00

25% £5,00

Enter amount

This is what happens in a transaction with gratuity/tips enabled:

  1. Transaction is initiated in the POS app on the smartphone, computer, or tablet

  2. When message “PRESENT CARD” appears, tap, swipe or insert the card for payment

  3. When the gratuity/tips menu appears, scroll menu using [Up arrow] and 
 [Down arrow] to select how much you want to tip

  4. Press [OK button] to select tip amount, if you select “ENTER AMOUNT”:

    1. Enter tip amount using the keypad (use [back button] to erase and then the keypad to re-enter amount if you make a mistake)

    2. Press [OK button]

  5. Enter PIN if required.

The merchant is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt from the POS app.


3.2.8. Cardholder Point of Sale Application Selection

The cardholder POS app selection is only enabled for specific acquirers. The menu appears before pin entry where the customer can choose which payment application he wants to use for that transaction. Here is a list of menu items:

Menu item



Cash Benefit

Food Stamp

Gift Card

Private Label

When prompted, the customer can select the right POS app using the [Up arrow] and [Down arrow], then press [OK button]. The merchant is responsible for providing the customer with the receipt from the POS app.



To access the administration menu:

  1. Press [Cancel button] and [back button]

  2. Enter password: 746723 and press [OK button]

  3. Scroll menu using [Up arrow] and [Down arrow]

  4. To go into sub-menus press [OK button]

  5. To select menu items press [OK button]

  6. To go out of menus press [Cancel button]


About each menu item:

Menu item

Sub-menu items


Version info Device type


Terminal software version e.g. mPOS v.1.7.1 (236)



A connection type, supported - there should be star next to Bluetooth which means it is selected.


Save and Reset

Select to save any changes you have made in this sub- menu, the HiLite card reader restarts.


Reset flash

Resets to factory settings, next time you do a transaction the HiLite card reader will download and install the software and configurations again.


Save and Reset

Select to save any changes you have made in this sub- menu, the HiLite card reader restarts.



Select either Normal (6x8) or Big (8x16).



Turn beep on or off by selecting toggle.

Save and Reset


Select to save any changes you have made in the administration menu, the HiLite card reader restarts.



To view information about your HiLite card reader:

  1. Press [Cancel button] then [Up arrow] on the keypad

  2. Scroll to see information using [Up arrow] and [Down arrow]

  3. To exit, either wait a couple of seconds or press [Cancel button]

About the information you see:

Menu item



Serial number of HiLite card reader e.g. 615009227


Terminal software version e.g. v.1.7.1(236)


Type of connection used e.g. Bluetooth


The name of your Bluetooth connection e.g. PP0615009227


Bluetooth password e.g. 0000


Configuration version e.g. 1


This has information about the flash memory, used by Handpoint quality assurance


EMV version e.g. 1.09 03 210514



There might be a need to change the contrast on the HiLite card reader screen to make the text clearer.
• To increase the contrast press [Up arrow] repeatedly until the contrast is at preferred level
• To decrease the contrast press [Down arrow] repeatedly until the contrast is at preferred level



It depends on the POS app (Point of Sale application) if you can update the HiLite card reader manually. Then the update is initiated through the POS app on your smartphone, computer or tablet.

Handpoint pushes updates automatically and remotely to your HiLite card reader.

This is what happens when Handpoint pushes a non-critical update to your HiLite card reader:

  1. Transaction is initiated in the POS app on the smartphone, computer, or tablet

  2. When message “PRESENT CARDappears, tap, swipe or insert payment method as usual.

  3. The message “UPDATING READER” appears and the HiLite card reader starts downloading and installing the update, this only takes a couple of seconds. When the HiLite card reader has finished, the message “UPDATE COMPLETE” appears.

This update can also be triggered on the Handpoint Payments mPOS app, therefore it is ready for the next customer:

  1. On the app, go to ‘Settings’ (cogwheel), select ‘Device’, then under the image of your card reader click on the ‘Update’ button.

  2. The message “UPDATING READER” appears and the HiLite card reader starts downloading and installing the update, this only takes a couple of seconds. When the HiLite card reader has finished, the message “UPDATE COMPLETE” appears.


This is what happens when Handpoint pushes a critical update to your HiLite card reader:

  1. Transaction is initiated in the POS app on the smartphone, computer, or tablet

  2. When message “PRESENT CARDappears, tap, swipe or insert payment method as usual.

  3. Handpoint declines the transaction because it is noted there is critical update pending, thus forcing the HiLite card reader to update. The message “TRANS. DECLINED“ appears

  4. The message “UPDATING READER” appears and the HiLite card reader starts downloading and installing the update, this only takes a couple of seconds. When the HiLite card reader has finished the message “UPDATE COMPLETE” appears

  5. After the HiLite card reader has finished updating, you can initiate the transaction again to charge the customer.




In this section are tools to help you troubleshoot. It includes links and instructions on how to troubleshoot communication errors between the HiLite card reader and your smartphone, computer, or tablet, and flash corruption issues. There is also a section with tables with some of the possible messages that can appear on your HiLite card reader. If you are having a problem, you can try searching these tables for the message and see what you can do.


Please refer to our instructions on Troubleshooting with mPOS and HiLite card readers.


Please refer to the tables on the HiLite Card Reader Messages page with the possible messages that can appear on your HiLite card reader. If you are having a problem you can try searching those tables for the message and see what you can do.



Your provider of this POS app solution should provide you with support for the whole solution, including the HiLite card reader. They can contact Handpoint on your behalf, if needed.

Here is a table of information you can provide which can help the POS app provider or Handpoint solve your issue:





Clear description of issue

  • step by step description of what you do and how the HiLite card reader behaves

  • error message(s)

  • where and when the error is appearing (The error can be coming from: Terminal -HiLite card reader-, POS app, Gateway, or Acquirer)

  • contact information of the parties involved

Information about the mPOS payment solution

  • Type of terminal (eg. HiLite)

  • Serial number of terminal (see no.13 in section 1.2)

  • Terminal software version (see section 3.3)

  • Info about device connected to the terminal e.g. iphone12 with iOS 12.2, Samsung galaxy S22 edge with Android 8.x, etc...

  • Connection type (eg. Bluetooth, lightning)

Log files (if available)

Terminal Software Audit log files. It is the responsibility of the POS app to fetch logs from the terminal. Your POS app provider should be able to send the log to Handpoint support if needed.

Screenshots of issue

error/warning messages or receipts




Triple Data Encryption Algorithm is a security measure


The hardware you are using to run the mPOS/POS application: smartphone, computer or tablet


Europay, MasterCard and Visa. Technical standard for smart payment cards.


Mail Order/Telephone Order. It is a type of card-not-present transaction in which services are paid for and delivered via telephone, mail, fax, or internet communication.


Mobile Point of Sale. Specifying a payment app running on smart devices to accept card payments (as opposed to a full, third party POS app)


Near-field Communication is the technology that enables contactless payments.


Point-to-Point Encryption is a security standard established by the PCI Security Standard Council


Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. It is an information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from the major card schemes.


Point of Sale. An application which acts as cash register, typically going beyond just accepting card payments by also including other features such as basket handling (as opposed to just an mPOS app).


The contact/company who you have had direct communication with to set up your card payment solution with the Handpoint card reader(s).


Please refer to the HiLite card reader section of our FAQs page for further information.

For further questions, please contact Support.







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