Enabling Sale & Tokenize in Production (Paysafe)

Enabling Sale & Tokenize in Production (Paysafe)

What is Sale & tokenize ?

Sale and tokenization is a feature that allows ISVs to process a sale on the payment terminals and receive a card token back in the transaction response from the terminals along with the outcome of the transaction (approved / declined etc.) . This token can then be used against the Paysafe Ecommerce API in order to process recurring or unscheduled payments. Sale and tokenization creates a full Omnicommerce experience for the ISV.

How to enable sale & tokenize between Handpoint and Paysafe?

  1. Paysafe provides the production API key of the ISV (software partner) to Handpoint via email (support@handpoint.com). This API key is required for Handpoint to be able to query the Paysafe single use token API (https://api.paysafe.com/customervault/v1/singleusetokens) for each transaction processed through the payment terminals. The API key must be sent base 64 encoded to Handpoint.

    Example of base 64 decoded key : SUT-315692:B-p1-0-61b78947-0-302c0214457835******************************************************************************

    Example of base 64 encoded key :

  2. Handpoint saves the key under the ISV profile in the Handpoint TMS

3. Handpoint notifies Paysafe that the key is correctly configured by sending a confirmation email to integrations@paysafe.com and customersupport@paysafe.com

4. In order to enable new merchants for tokenization or update already existing merchants in the Handpoint TMS, Paysafe needs to correctly choose the tokenization provider and ISV fields when creating/editing a merchant profile

5. Once the merchant is created (or updated) in the Handpoint TMS, the ISV is able to go live with the sale and tokenization feature


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