Troubleshoot contactless transactions not going through
In the event of a merchant contacting you and asking about contactless cards or Apple Pay/Google Pay transactions not being read you have multiple options to be able to troubleshoot:
Remind the merchant about the following best practices :
Make sure that the card is presented on the NFC chip which is located on the printer of the PAX devices. Devices that do not have a printer have the NFC chip towards the top behind the screen which is where the card should be presented.
If the card is correctly located it should be kept long enough on the NFC chip to be read. It should not be removed before a "beep" is triggered and the message "remove card" is prompted.
Have the merchant restart the terminal, it happens that the NFC hardware does not get initialized properly or stops working in which case a restart might solve the issue because it reinitializes the PAX hardware and low level software.
Have the merchant run a contactless hardware test. If there is a problem with the underlying NFC hardware you can ask the merchant to run a hardware test by opening the calculator app and entering !4444=, it will bring them to a menu where one of the options should be "PICC" clicking on it will test the underlying NFC hardware and show a report. See video showing the procedure here: Hardware Tests . If the test fails it most likely mean that the terminal needs to be replaced.
Download the logs of the terminal from the PAX Store, go to
Search by serial number → click on the terminal → Go to the Setting tab → At the bottom right click “Terminal Logcat” → Click Collect → Click Detail Log → Click OK
Refresh the screen every few seconds until the zip file can be downloaded
Open the log file and navigate to the date/time at which the contactless read attempts were made. (The date/time of the terminal is taken from the internet and is shown in the same timezone as the merchant is in)
Here are common errors you might see in the logs around the contactless read :
com.pax.api.PiccException: Too much card in sensing area(communication conflict)
--> In this case it means that more than one card was presented simultaneouslycom.pax.api.PiccException: No response timeout
→ In this case it means that the card was not kept long enough on the terminalcom.pax.api.PiccException: RF module close
→ In this case it means that the NFC field generated by the NFC chip was turned off when presenting the contactless card to the terminal. Restarting the terminal should solve this issue
Here are less common error reasons, at this point please contact Handpoint for further support at :
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