How to download terminal logs from the PAX Store
How to download terminal logs from the PAX Store
In the terminal management tab, type in the serial number of the terminal you are looking for and click on its thumbnail :
2. Go to the “Setting” tab and select “Terminal Logcat” at the bottom right
3. Click “Collect” → “Detail Log” (do not change the default timeframe)
4. Once available (it might take a few minutes), click the download icon:
5. Recognizing logs:
In the log file all the lines starting with ***[APP] are generated by the Handpoint app, for example:
[2023-06-21 04:08:42].599 W/App-Detailed-Logger(19022): ***[APP] -> Waiting while initializing i18n service
In the log file all the lines starting with ***[SDK] are generated by the Handpoint SDK, for example:
[2023-06-21 04:09:35].675 W/SDK-Detailed-Logger(19022): ***[SDK]: [DEBUG] -> Looper already created for UI can ignore this error
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